Botanical Elixirs,  Wellness

Rose Petal Elixir

The earliest historical records on Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets indicate that rose became known to humans about 5,000 years ago. A clay tablet about Sargon I, King of Akkadia (2684-2630 BCE), records that the king brought rose saplings during his military campaign to the countries across the Tigris River. Because he formerly lived in the ancient city of Ur near Babylon, his trip was most probably to southeastern Anatolia (present-day Turkey). Assyrian tablets mention rose and rose water. Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (23-79 CE) described the astringent properties of rose, and the use of petals and flowers in medicine for head, ear, mouth, gum, tonsils, stomach, and uterus disorders. (NPC, SagePub)



Plants of the Rosaceae family contain phytochemicals with a promising chemical structure for various biological activities, including anti-radical scavenging and antioxidant effects. Red roses are rich in anthocyanins, the naturally occurring pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their distinct coloring. In addition to acting as antioxidants and fighting free radicals, anthocyanins may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral benefits.



Enjoy the heady aroma and delightful flavor of our beautiful Rose Petal Elixir, extracted from certified organic red rose petals, hand pressed and carefully processed to retain the unmatched scent and flavor of rose. This highly concentrated extract is a delight for the senses and may be used by the drop or teaspoonful, depending on your preference. Tastes divine alone or used in desserts, cocktails & sodas. A perfect addition to spirits, champagne, sparkling waters, and tea.


Taste Notes: Fresh roses, floral honey, citrus.

Energetics: Cooling, moistening, diffusive, soothing and sweet.

Actions: Nervine, emotional heart tonic, digestive tonic, astringent, reproductive tonic.

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