Education,  Wellness

Trauma Informed Herbal & Holistic Medicine Virtual Series

Join us in July for a virtual series on Trauma Informed Herbalism. I will be teaching the third class in the series, “Herbal Support for Trauma Recovery & Resilience”. All three classes are equally important and tie into each other so I hope you will sign up for all three. -Leanne


Trauma Informed Herbal & Holistic Medicine Virtual Series
with Michelle Rigling, PhD & Special Guests
June 7, 14, 21, 2022
7:00pm-9:00pm ET
$35.00 each class
or $85.00 for series*
*Recordings are included in series purchase


In this 3-week series, we will explore the effects of trauma, adverse experiences, and chronic stress on the brain and body as well as learn ways to recognize when unresolved trauma may be interfering with the services being offered to a client. We will go beyond the basics to also cover topics such as the fawn response, understanding psychosomatic symptoms, and collective trauma.

We will consider how trauma can impact the functioning of our digestive and nervous systems as well as share ways that herbs and plants can offer physical, emotional, and spiritual support during the recovery journey. Nervine herbs, stimulants, adaptogens, and digestive supports will also be discussed.




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