The Wedding In Ravensburg, Germany
Ken and I had the unique honor of being invited to a wedding in Germany to kick off our vacation. The lovely town of Ravensburg and the surrounding areas located in the region of Baden-Württenberg is among the loveliest places in Germany. The wedding took place in the town center of Ravensburg in the Evangelische Stadtkirche. The setting was so serene and cool in the summer heat. The celebration following was located at a very cool barn with a bar in a beautiful, rustic setting where many of the guest camped for the night. The local farm animals only added to the charm of the venue.
Ravensburg is a very old city and know for it’s 17 historic towers and gates as well as being the home of the Ravensburger puzzle and toy company. But it’s greatest treasure may be found in this family. In my opinion they have one of the best families I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Lisa, the bride, has the arduous task of teaching me Germany every Sunday. She is patient and kind, organic and altogether lovely. Here is to her special day and allowing us to share in it.
Of note, I was amazed at how well German celebrate love, life, family, dancing, drinking and staying out ALL night. Ken and I took the last shuttle out at 1:30 am with Lisa’s ever so charming grandparents!! Where are their children and grandchildren? Dancing util dawn apparently. The German lust for life and sport and country continues to inspire me to live life to the fullest. Schönes Wochenende !
Die Kirche wartet…
The Church waits….
Und Er wartet…
And he waits…
Die Braut und ein stolzer Papa
The bride and a proud PaPa (click the link for the video)
Freunde und Familie
Friends and Family
Das Essen
The Food
Die Blumen
The Flowers
Die Feier
The Celebration
The Erinnerung wandert in meine reisetagebuch
The memory goes into my travel journal