Kehlsteinhaus ~ The Eagle’s Nest
Ok, so it’s touristy. It is also sacred ground in a way for WWII history buffs like me. This was a getaway for the Nazi royalty including Hitler who was documented as visiting at least 14 times. Major war decisions and genocide were plotted and planned on this site.
This was one of the last pictures that I took but I want to lead off with it. It is the corridor that leads to the elevator to arrive at the Kehlsteinhaus. It took some patience to get the shot but once I did it was eery being in this space alone. It reminded me of the memorial at Dachau. Like a road to a furnace rather than a luxury retreat. It was sobering.
When we visit sites like this I try to stop and find a space to feel the weight of where are. It is difficult here because it is a restaurant, unfortunately so the appeal is somewhat lost. I did find some time to sit and enjoy the view and think about the consequences of what happened in this place. This is not playground. It bears witness to the atrocities that were committed by this government and stands as a reminder of what we cannot afford to forget or repeat.
Not my best photography but I had a split second to capture it without people. The famous elevator door to the Kehlsteinhaus.
The view on the bus ride up. A helpful German man gave us some good advise. Get a window on the right side. It was good advice. But fair warning, you put your life in a bus drivers hands here. It is a whole lot of air just outside the wheel wells.
The beautiful Königsee below. Royalty always knows how to get a good view it seems.
It is almost impossible to get photos without tourists here but I did my best. The restaurant veranda is lovely but I would prefer that this place remain a museum.
The views from these rooms are amazing. It is sad that they were not used for the betterment of the world.
The fireplace that was a gift from Mussolini.
We did feel obliged to have a German beer for authenticity. It does have an amazing view.
My husband can look beyond the history and atrocity to find the beauty in nature. It is a good perspective.