Art,  Beauty,  Travel

Wawel Castle ~ Krakow, Poland

This was such an interesting castle with beautiful hardwoods, elegant chandeliers, tapestries and famous artwork.  Not the least was the Rembrandt.


I really enjoyed the cozy and elegant feel of this room of art.  The Damask wallpaper in vibrant red really made the gilded frames come to the forefront.





The throne room was so elegant and well-lit which was in contrast to much of the castle which had smaller, more intimate rooms with really soft lighting.






This castle, like several we have toured has very eclectic flooring, mostly marble but also hardwoods.  This room was a good example of the smaller, darker, cozier rooms in the castle.  European royalty never miss an opportunity to surprise and delight you with the ceilings whether it is fresco or ornamental wood carving or plaster creations.




A few examples of interesting floors, ceilings, tapestries and artworks.






This type of ceiling was very unusual and somewhat disconcerting.




And last, the King’s Rembrandt on loan from New York in the temporary exhibit.



This was in a private room, the only exhibit.  It was beautifully presented and lit.







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