Fried Chicken with Gravy, Biscuits and Eggs on Italian Linen
Venice, Italy
Baked Omelettes on Italian Linen
The Italian Place ~ Middle of Nowhere heaven
Wawel Castle ~ Krakow, Poland
The Bodensee by boat and lift
The Franziskanerkirche ~ Salzburg, Austria
The Kollegienkirche ~ Salzburg, Austria
St. Sebastian Church and Cemetery ~ Salzburg, Austria
The Predigtstuhl ~ Oldest ski lift in the world
Kehlsteinhaus ~ The Eagle’s Nest
The hike from the Königsee to the Obersee with lunch at the Fishunkelalm
The Beautiful places and people who hosted us along the way ~ Bischofswiesen
Traveler or Tourist….
St. Peter’s Church ~ Salzburg
Finding Spaces That Inspire Writing….
Regensburg Cathedral ~ Germany
Rathaus (Town Hall) ~ Passau, Germany
St. Stephen’s Cathedral ~ Passau, Germany
Domschatz und Diozesanmuseum Passau~Deutschland
St. Lukas Church~Munich
Coffee Shop Shoot
The Lovers Who Made Us
Rose Bath Salts